
It’s important to be a part of a community. We hope to be THAT community for you!

– Dayton Edwards

Our Youth group sessions are started with a prayer, followed by a lesson that is provided by either Jason or Dayton. Our lessons are designed to make you think. During our lessons we ask questions and remind everyone that all answers and questions are important and wanted.

After our lesson we always make sure to have an activity. We host a WIDE range of activities such as uno nights, basketball nights, disk golf, movie nights, and anything else that the youth want to do that is appropriate for everyone.

Not only do we meet at our church, but occasionally we host events or go to buildings. One of our most recent events was a Polar Express movie night hosted by the youth that involved movie based outfits!

Periodically one of the youth leaders will plan a trip such as a bowling alley travel and, in the summer, we hope to host camping-based travel trips!

Our Youth Group Meet up times are Sundays at 6:00pm-7:30pm. Our meet up time is subject to change if a majority can NOT attend.

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The power for change

We all come from different backgrounds and history. Some of us have lived harder lives than others, but one things unites us more than anything else… Jesus Christ!

He gives us the opportunity to be changed and made a new creature in Christ Jesus 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Our Youth Group strides to build a community of new creatures to have fellowship and spread the love of God to all!

Meet our Youth Leaders

Youth Director

Dayton Edwards

My name is Dayton Edwards, and I was born on August 2nd, 2002. I gave my life to Christ when I went into college and now want to spread His kindness and love to others. I believe that LOVE is the most important thing that we were commanded to do by God!

Youth Director

Jason Stone

My name is Jason and I was born January 7th, 1998. I am a big time talker, I love to love. I put God’s work before my own. I believe it’s important to show the love of God to ALL. I also believe it’s remember we are NOT perfect, but through God we are whole.

Join our youth TODAY!

We hope to see you join and experience a loving community that is there for you NO MATTER WHAT!