It has been a dry few weeks around our area. It is hard to find much grass that has not turned brown. If we lived in another part of the world, our livestock would be suffering greatly from this lack of rain.
In this week’s lesson, we learn how some of the farm animals of Egypt died one night. This was not because of a water problem. Join us on Sunday as we study Exodus 11:1-10 together.
As a reminder: I am collecting lamps. I would like to have 50 lamps. I need tall lamps and short lamps. I need floor lamps and table lamps. I need a variety of lamps.
If you have a lamp you would like to share with me, please make sure it has a bulb that works and your name is on it. I don’t want to buy a case of bulbs. I want to return your lamp with this project is finished. You may bring your lamp by the church throughout the week or bring it with you on Sunday. Thanks for your help.
Dear friends, we are blessed,
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