One of our neighbors was tossing some mulch in his flowerbed yesterday. I stopped to chat with him. He told me that he was officially declaring winter is over. He is going to do some of the spring work in his yard. I like his attitude.
In this week’s lesson, we learn of a night when Jesus and his disciples spent the night in a garden filled with trees. I am sure it was a warm and starry night for them to enjoy.
Join us on Sunday as we study Mark 14:32-36 together.
In other news from the church office, today is Ash Wednesday. We will have an Ash Wednesday worship service at 6:00 this evening in our sanctuary. Come and enjoy the first day of Lent as we worship together.
The devotional book that I wrote for Lent is available in hard print at the church or electronically. If you would like an electronic copy, go to Amazon Books and search for “Don’t eat purple cows in Lent” it should be the first title “Companions on the Journey” with a picture of the sunrise, that comes up. Although I don’t talk about any cows, purple or otherwise in the book. I hope you enjoy this book throughout Lent.
Dear friends, we are blessed,
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