FROM YOUR PASTOR (December 21, 2022)

Today is December 21st. It is the day we have the least amount of sunshine in our area. The weather people say that we could be facing some serious cold and snow over the next few days. All of this can be mentally difficult on us.  

Even when life is difficult, we know that God is Good. That’s why we celebrate that Jesus was born into our world. He gives us much hope in the darkness and cold of life.  

Join us on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day as study Luke 2:1-20 and we celebrate Jesus’ birth. As a reminder, we will only have one service on both these days. We will meet at 7 in the evening on Saturday and 10 in the morning on Sunday. We plan on hosting these services, regardless of what the weather patterns bring our way.  

 In other news, you are invited to enjoy some great Christmas music as presented by Mr. Geisler and the Anderson Band. They will perform tomorrow at 7 in the evening at the AHS auditorium. There is no cost for this excellent performance.  

Dear friends, we are blessed,  



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